20 | Marie, Kristian, Luisa, Johan & Bohdan - 4 kids under 6, Juggling Motherhood and Career & Breast vs Bottle Discussion


Marie is a mother of 4 kids (Kristian, Luisa, Johan & Bohdan) and an entrepreneur and business owner of czechcourses.cz which she has been running since her first pregnancy all alongside being a mother. We talk about how it is chasing your dreams as well as stepping into motherhood and Marie talks us through all her 4 births. With her first, she went overdue and had an episiotomy during delivery. She shares having trouble establishing breastfeeding and how she wishes that someone would have told her earlier that it’s ok to give baby formula and it’s ok to not breastfeed if it isn’t working out. Her second birth, baby came early around 36 weeks and Marie shares the extra worry that she had going into the birth and also postpartum. We discuss a Czech method called Vojtova Metoda or Reflex Locomotion that she practiced successfully with Luisa when she didn’t have muscle tone to turn over on her own. With her third and fourth birth, the babies came quickly and with Bohdan they almost didn’t make it to the hospital.

Marie really recommends listening to your intuition when it comes to breastfeeding and not stressing out if it isn’t working out for you an baby. Seeking proper support, but being ok with using the bottle so both baby and mama can relax.

If you'd like to reach out to Marie, just send me an email at: the9monthspodcast@gmail.com and I'll forward everything to her from there or find her on czechcourses.cz.

Visit The 9 Months Podcast for more information or if you'd like to share your story with me on the podcast, you can find all the details here.

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*The stories on this podcast are personal experiences and should never be interpreted as medical advice. Always seek out a birth professionals expertise before making any medical decisions. The 9 Months Podcast is in no way advocating for a specific kind of birth but on the contrary, we believe that all births are beautiful, just as they are.


21 | Samar, Sára & Lea - Gestational Diabetes, Induction, Emergency C-Section & Smooth Second Pregnancy with a Calm & Empowering Planned C-Section


19 | Bori & Liza - The Importance of Talking about Miscarriage, Calm Pregnancy, Emergency C-Section & Postpartum Surgery