21 | Samar, Sára & Lea - Gestational Diabetes, Induction, Emergency C-Section & Smooth Second Pregnancy with a Calm & Empowering Planned C-Section
In this episode Samar shares her two births with her little girls, Sára & Lea. With Sára, Samar had an eventful pregnancy, starting with the first scan showing markers for Downs Syndrome which turned into being nothing in the end. She had hypothyroidism even before pregnancy and didn’t gain much weight and ended up being hospitalised for about a week at 30 weeks gestation. Samar was induced around Sáras due-date and went through a long labour that in the end turned into an emergency c-section under general anaesthesia because Sára was sunny-side up. With Lea, Samar shares a much smoother pregnancy with no major hiccups and opting for a planned c-section. Leas birth was empowering and calm with Samars partner being able to be present in the room and we hear how different postpartum was the second time around.
If you'd like to reach out to Samar, just send me an email at: the9monthspodcast@gmail.com and I'll forward everything to her from there.
Visit The 9 Months Podcast website for more information or if you'd like to share your story with me on the podcast, you can find all the details here.
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*The stories on this podcast are personal experiences and should never be interpreted as medical advice. Always seek out a birth professionals expertise before making any medical decisions. The 9 Months Podcast is in no way advocating for a specific kind of birth, but on the contrary, we believe that all births are beautiful, just as they are.