26 | Tessa & Roo - Specialist Mental Health Midwife, OP Baby, Birth Centre Birth and the Importance of Asking for Help


In this episode I speak with Tessa, a specialist mental health midwife in the UK and she’s sharing the birth of her son Roo with us. Tessa shares her journey to becoming pregnant, experiencing a miscarriage scare around 7 weeks gestation and experiencing antenatal anxiety. Tessa planned for a midwife-led birth centre birth at the hospital where she works and she shares how the system works over there. Her waters broke at 38+5 and when it was time to push, baby presented OP (posterior) but she shares how her midwife helped guide her through the pushing stage until the birth of baby Roo.

Tessa is very passionate about Mental Health in pregnancy, birth and postpartum and we speak about the importance of asking for help, of recognising that as parents we are never alone and there is always someone to reach out to if we feel like we are not coping. 

Follow Tessa on her Instagram @mentalhealth_midwife for wonderfully supportive and informative posts and you can also reach out to her there.

Visit The 9 Months Podcast website for more information or if you'd like to share your story with me on the podcast, you can find all the details here.

Follow us on Instagram @9monthspodcast

*The stories on this podcast are personal experiences and should never be interpreted as medical advice. Always seek out a birth professionals expertise before making any medical decisions. The 9 Months Podcast is in no way advocating for a specific kind of birth, but on the contrary, we believe that all births are beautiful, just as they are.


27 | Nyssa - Using a Private Midwife in the Public System, Assisted Vaginal Birth, The Golden Month & the Importance of Processing & Talking About our Birthing Experiences


25 | Silvana, Aurora & Baby Brother - Emergency C-Section at 35 weeks, Baby Loss, Rainbow Baby & the Importance of Talking About Our Experiences of Loss